Reporting an Internship

Submitting Your Academic Internship for Approval

Please note that the Academic Internship Process must be completed by the end of the Add/Drop Period, Friday September 2, 2016, for the semester in which you will be completing your internship and may take up to 72 hours to activate. An academic internship is $100 per credit. Otherwise, you will need to file a petition for approval and then once approved complete a paper version of the internship contract. You are not registered for the internship until during the first week of registration.

Before reporting your internship electronically make sure that you have found a faculty member who has agreed to be your faculty sponsor and that you have the academic requirements. If you are a CJM or SMGT major there is additional paperwork you need to complete and submit to the department chair prior to reporting your internship electronically. Please see Professor Charbonneau or Professor Liptrap for this paperwork.


  1. Access Road to Success (from your Nichols Portal click on the Road to Success link in the Bookmark section)
  2. Click on “Report an Internship” located on the left side of your homepage
  3. Fill out the form accurately.
  4. Click on “Save” the next screen will have a message saying that you have successfully submitted your Academic Internship Paperwork for approval.


By Jenna Parker
Jenna Parker Recruitment and Marketing Coordinator