The CPDC website is one of the best tools to help prepare you for your career future! With multiple tabs containing useful information such as connecting with employers, learning about the newest jobs and internships, current events, networking with alumni, and our blog under Latest News, we provide up-to-date knowledge regarding career-related topics for our Nichols students and alumni. We hope you will develop a better understanding of how to take advantage of the CPDC website and our resources.
To access the CPDC website, sign in to your Nichols College OneLogin. Click on the CPDC Website button.
CPDC Home Screen: You will be prompted to the home screen of the website. Across the top of the home screen, in green bold lettering, there are nine different tabs to click on that will direct you to a page with all sorts of helpful career-related information.
Latest News: One of our most visited tabs is Latest News! Here the CPDC Team consistently posts career-related blogs such as Preparing for an Online Interview, and 8 Interview Questions About Diversity and Inclusion Every Job Seeker Should Be Able to Answer. We also post student success stories to recognize and celebrate our Bison regarding their internships and jobs.
Featured Jobs & Internships: The CPDC Team frequently updates our Featured Jobs & Internships tab to keep the content fresh. This tab lists multiple job and internship opportunities relevant to Nichols College majors. Click on “View Posted Positions” to see current opportunities. On the top of the screen, there are two long rectangle tabs. The green box highlights the featured jobs and internships displayed on the current page. The grey box titled “All Jobs and Internships” is connected to the Nichols College Handshake account. Through Handshake, you can search for countless other jobs and internships posted daily.
Events: The Events tab is used to organize and display all the different upcoming events posted through Nichols College. All events posted are in order by date. Each event includes a “Learn More” tab to the right. Click on that tab to view event details and registration information.
Resources: Through careful selection and Nichols College paying for licensing for our students and alumni to create free accounts, we have chosen several resources to display on this tab. Here is more information about our favorite and most utilized Resources:
Job and Internship Searching During COVID-19 – A specialized section with great information on ways you can successfully search for a job or internship. We are here to help and have assembled a number of terrific resources here.
Handshake – The leading career site for college students. All Nichols College students have a free Handshake account. Log in through OneLogin and update your profile. Upload your resume. Search for amazing full-time and part-time jobs and internships. View and register for events and career fairs. Connect with students from Nichols College and other schools. Follow great employers. All in Handshake.
Career Shift – Career Shift is an online database where you can search for jobs. Most importantly, you can search for employer contacts within companies. This is helpful if you have applied to a job and want to follow up with an email stating you applied. It never hurts to include your resume in that follow up email. We do not recommend phone calls.
Optimal Resume – Optimal Resume is a comprehensive web-based tool which allows you to create, present, and manage multiple resumes and cover letters.
- Create high-impact, interactive career materials based on your career goals
- Present your materials online — with our easy-to-use website builder — and in print, as you can download your materials in a number of formats
- Manage an unlimited number of career documents from one central location
- Share your credentials with your network on your own professional website and across social networking sites
Big Interview – Big Interview gives you both “FAST TRACK” and “MASTERY TRACK” systems of lessons and virtual interview practice – to get you ready… fast. Big Interview also teaches you how to get inside the head of any interviewer and prove that you’re the candidate they’re looking for. Whether you are practicing for the next step in your career and or are interviewing for graduate school, this source offers interview practice tools that are available 24/7 for all areas of concentration. Whether you are a current student or alum, feel free to create your complimentary account today.
Focus2 – Focus 2 is a self-paced, online career and education planning tool that helps you assess your career-related qualities and explore compatible career fields.
What Can I Do With This Major – Whether you are exploring multiple majors or searching for information about your chosen field, this site will help you connect majors to careers.
Network with Alumni: This page links you to the Nichols Office of Alumni Relations LinkedIn page. Here, the Alumni Office hopes to stay in touch, share upcoming alumni events, updates on Nichols College and helpful content.
Employers: Employers can see our employer engagement opportunities and experiences here, and contact us with any inquiries.
Staff: On this tab we have our CPDC Team. We are here to help you with any career-related questions!
- Liz Horgan – Director
- Abby DePasquale – Associate Director
- Kristina LeDuc – Career Development Specialist
- Brijin Kastberg – Marketing and Administrative Coordinator
Contact: The final tab on the Career and Professional Development Center’s website is our contact page. Here you can find information on our location, hours, how to contact us, and when Drop-In Hours are. Feel free to reach out to us.
We hope you visit the CPDC website often and take advantage all it has to offer!