2021 Sophomore Shout Out Event Series

Please click each handout below to see our alumni in attendance, the schedule for each event, and conversation starters. 

All in the Numbers

Creative Careers

Helping Professions

Managing the Herd

The Career and Professional Development Center team plans to welcome 250+ sophomores and 25+ alumni during the week of March 29th – April 1st for the virtual Sophomore Shout Out Series. We are so thankful to our alumni for serving as breakout room hosts.

All students actively enrolled in 2nd Year PDS are welcome to attend. However, we are hosting four specific events based on concentrations/interests:

Sophomore Shout Out: All in the Numbers – Monday, March 29th from 3:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Sophomore Shout Out: Creative Careers – Tuesday, March 30th from 3:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Sophomore Shout Out: Helping Professions – Wednesday, March 31st from 3:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Sophomore Shout Out: Managing the Herd – Thursday, April 1st from 3:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

The theme of this year’s event series is, “Staying Connected in a Virtual World.” We are so excited to have such great alumni breakout room hosts for our 2021 event! This is our sixth time hosting this event and the event’s purpose remains the same, “To energize sophomore students to make the most out of their junior and senior year by encouraging them to pursue opportunities.” We attempt to do this by offering students the chance to hear from a series of alumni regarding their experiences during and after college.

There will be three or four different breakout room networking sessions during this event. Prior to the start of each breakout room networking session, we will ask breakout room hosts to answer their previously assigned question below. Once complete, we will kick off the upcoming networking session. If you are an alum, we strongly encourage you to not only talk about your personal academic/professional experiences during networking periods, but we also encourage you to ask students about themselves as well. If you are a student, feel free to share your Nichols College story and encourage students to share their stories too. Then, we will rotate and complete the cycle three or four times.

Alumni Shout/Question Segment: When it is your turn to speak during a shout/question segment, we ask that you keep your answer to 60 seconds or less due to the strict timeframe of this event. At the start of each question segment, our Moderator will let you know that it is your turn to speak.

Student Attendance: Participants must have their cameras on and be visually present to receive credit for this event. Attendance will be taken at the end of the event and participants need to stay the full time in order to receive credit for attending. Please make sure your Zoom name includes your preferred first name and your last name.

See you soon, Bison!