As the 2021 Fall semester comes to a close, we reflect on the events held by the Career and Professional Development Center. This Fall, the CPDC hosted/assisted with seven in-person events and three virtual events.
We kicked off the Fall 2021 semester with the Accounting & Finance Career and Internship Fair. We had 25 different organizations and 69 students attend this in-person event. The fair was held September 14th in the Chalmers Field House which provided ample space for the attending organizations to be spread out. Students were able to network and bounce from table to table with ease.
A comment from a student:
“I was so honored and thankful to be able to visit the Accounting & Finance Fair as a Freshman! I really enjoyed engaging and learning about the different companies and job roles that I can get myself into during my Junior and Senior Years! Overall, I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to be able to be exposed to such a great atmosphere!”
The second event held by the CPDC was the Sophomore PDS Virtual Open Houses. Students in Sophomore PDS attended virtual guided information sessions to learn about services the Career and Professional Development Center provides and resources that are available to all students. They learned about career coaching, events, online resources, Handshake and the Bison Boutique. Students also discovered the CPDC offers career services to Bison FOR LIFE! The students were also encouraged to utilize the Career and Professional Development Center for any career-related help needed with resumes and cover letters, internship searching and help with finding a job after graduation.
Next up was From Senior in College to Freshman in Life. Jeff Thomas ’12 and Taylor Ross ’13 returned to present unique perspectives on how to make a successful transition into life after graduation. Students had the chance to listen to the two alumni speakers and ask detailed questions. We had a great turnout of 125 students who were juniors, seniors, and in the master’s program. The students found this event very informative and suggest that all seniors should attend. Students were encouraged to ask lots of questions and the speakers were happy to answer and share their experiences.
The fourth event was the Career Exploration Event: Creative Careers, which was held virtually. We had magnificent hosts with four of them being alumni. A total of 36 students logged in to the event and were eager to hear what different paths they can take with their degrees. The hosts were able to share their real-life experiences. They also explained though you may have an idea to start a career in one job, you may choose to do something completely different. One student commented, “This was a great event, I enjoyed getting to hear what everyone had to say. It was comforting to know that some of them are still trying to figure out their career paths and that it’s important to be open to all kinds of opportunities.”
Career Exploration Event: Prep for the Process was the second event we held in our series. We had 30 students attend this in person event. Attendees had the chance to meet and talk with hosts about their experiences. This event was an opportunity for students to learn how to get a town, state, or federal job. The hosts answered questions and provided insight into the process they each went through to get to where they are currently. The students found this event helpful and enjoyed how honest the hosts were.
The next event held was the Salary Negotiation Workshop. Though mostly seniors attended, it was open to all 3rd and 4th year PDS students. This event was held for students to learn how to negotiate their salaries, how to research their target salary and how to be confident. This event was held similarly to a classroom-style presentation and was interactive with all participants.
The third and final event in our series was our Career Exploration Event: Managing the Herd. This was the second year this event was held and it received a 4.7/5 success rate. Students appreciated the opportunity to talk to people who work in different areas in management. Participants said the event was a great networking opportunity and they wish they had more time to talk to the hosts.
The CPDC introduced the first-ever LinkedIn Competition at Nichols. This brand new, exciting event allowed students to showcase their LinkedIn profiles and get feedback from our alumni judges. The top ten contestants gathered in Daniels Auditorium to present their profiles to three judges. The top three winners received cash prizes. Congratulations to FIRST place winner: Madison Perotti ’23, SECOND place winner: Tara Ostromecky ’23 and THIRD place winner: Brooke Demerchant ’24. Special thank you to our alumni judges: Margaret Colom ’11, and Sean Glavin ’06. Extra special thanks to Dean for the School of Business and Professor Jean Beaupre who filled in as a judge. Can’t wait for next year!
Another event the CPDC assisted with was the popular annual Millennials in Sport Management. Hosted by the Sport Management Department, this event provided students the opportunity to speak with professionals currently in the field. They shared not only their “story,” but also shared advice with students who wish to pursue and find their place in the sport industry. Fifty-eight students attended.
The final event of the fall semester hosted by CPDC was the Etiquette Dinner. This popular annual event offers students a hands-on opportunity to learn about professional dining etiquette. Each table had four students along with two table hosts. One table host is from Nichols College and the other table host is an external guest. Students enjoyed a delicious multi-course meal accompanied by great conversation. A 6-page Dining Etiquette Guide at each seat explained each step of the dinner process. The table reviewed the guide together and networked. Attendees said this event was very informative and a fun time. A comment from a student, “This event was not what I thought it was going to be. This was by far the best event I have gone to at Nichols. Because of this event, I was able to connect and network with state senator, Peter Durant. I had a blast. I recommend to all 2023 seniors to attend next year.”
“We find that students have a good time and always appreciate the chance to experience an event like the Etiquette Dinner.” Sarah Gustafson commented. “My experience with Nichols students and staff is always 100% positive.”
We would like to thank students, alumni, hosts, and attending organizations who helped make our events this semester the best. As always, feedback is greatly valued. We are excited for our spring semester events. See you next year!