The Accounting/Business Analytics/Economics/Finance Career Community is geared towards providing resources and tools to those interested in finance related industries. Learn about academic requirements, internships, student organizations and other ways to help provide you with a competitive edge upon graduation. Â
đź“·These fantastic LinkedIn banner photos were created by Kenzie Costello, Creative Design Specialist at Nichols College.Â
Feel free to download and save the LinkedIn Headers above to showcase this new accomplishment: right-click on the image> save image as….> label and …
The Career and Professional Development Center hosted the 2023 Nichols College Career and Internship Fair on Tuesday, February 21st in Chalmers Field House. Many eager students arrived early in their best professional dress with resumes in hand preparing themselves …
Try a bite-sized 5-6 virtual work experience program here that replicates work at top companies. You will gain new skills and tools to give you a strategic advantage in the job market!