We move the focus for our next Bison Spotlight to Hope Rudzinski. Hope is from North Brookfield, MA and is an English major, and a Communication minor. She will graduate in May 2020. On the Hill, she is involved with the Radio Club, is a Public Relations Assistant for the Alumni Communication Department for Nichols College, President of Windfall, and a Fels Student Manager. Outside of these obligations, Hope enjoys writing, traveling and hanging out with friends. A fun fact about Hope is she is a triplet! Also, she started her own podcast called the Bison Banter at Nichols College for a podcasting class.
Over the summer, Hope interned at the Worcester Telegram and Gazette as a Featured News Intern. In her role, she interviewed people for articles, wrote feature articles and also worked as a columnist writing about the top 10 things to do in Worcester. A typical day for Hope included arriving to work at 10:00 a.m. and leaving at 6:00 p.m. She would first pick up weekly issues of the Telegram and read them, then check in with her bosses, finish any articles, make phone calls, and email people. She also would write event paragraphs and stories to be published in the Telegram, which included conducting a lot of research.
When asked what Hope’s favorite part of her internship was, she responded “I think my favorite part was getting to know the sports journalists who were in the department next to me. Also, learning new and different aspects of my team, journalism and writing different articles.”
Hope said she doubted herself a lot during this internship because it was hard. She also said she questioned herself as a writer/journalist but she gained important insight from this lesson. She stated, “People will try to knock you down during your experiences, however, you have to take that criticism and learn from it. Keep being yourself and don’t change. Have the confidence to be open to new ideas but don’t change completely just because people are not happy with how you do things. Keep pushing to be the best self you can. You will meet people along the way who push you in a positive direction to become better and will ultimately support you.”
Lastly, Hope mentioned that at the end of the day, money is not everything. Her internship was unpaid and she ended up putting in more hours than she was supposed to because she has a passion for journalism. She mentioned “If you have any doubts about your career, don’t. Use those doubts as fuel to put in more work/time learning the process of your own passion for the job”.
We want to thank Hope for taking the time to be featured in our Bison Spotlight! The CPDC Team wishes you the best of luck in your future endeavors.